Maps of Guinea

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Maps of Guinea cities

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Map collection of Guinea. Detailed road, administrative, physical and topographical maps of Guinea. All cities of Guinea on the maps. Maps of Guinea.

Short description of Guinea:

Equatorial Guinea faces the Gulf of Guinea on the West Coast of Central Africa, bordering Gabon and Cameroon. With Malabo as the capital and Spanish and French as the official languages, in addition to other African dialects, Guinea also comprises the island of Bioko and other smaller off shore islands.

Most of Guinea’s landscape offers lush vegetation and magnificent views over tropical forests and snow-capped volcanoes. The island beaches are paradise sites, with pristine white sandy beaches and clear deep blue waters.

The Monte Alen National Park sprawls over more than 1,400 square kilometers of jungle, with trails and paths meandering through the vegetation, where wild animals such as elephants and leopards can be spotted as well as numerous bird species.

Other spectacular natural sites are the Cascades of Moca, Lake Biao and Lake Loreta, here too wild animals can be spotted, notably monkeys. A trek up Pico Basile, 3000 m above sea level will offer a splendid view of the landscape and Mount Cameroon in the distance.

In Malabo there are plenty of attractive buildings left by the Spanish colonial era as well as the Portuguese and colorful markets are also scattered around the capital.

The climate is tropical throughout the year, with heavy rainfall from December to February.

The people from Guinea are called Guineans.

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