Maps of Morocco

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Map collection of Morocco. Detailed road, administrative, physical and topographical maps of Morocco. All cities of Morocco on the maps. Maps of Morocco.

Short description of Morocco:

Morocco, a country that is situated in North Africa has a land area of about 447,000 square kilometers and its population is thirty-two million people approximately. Casablanca is the largest city in Morocco and Rabat is its capital city. Algeria is located on its east, Mauritania is located on its south and Spain is situated on the north. Morocco experiences Mediterranean climate. About twelve percent of the land is covered by forests and eighteen percent of the land in the country is used for the purpose of agriculture.

The art of the country are simply amazing and many of them can be seen in the local art museums. The nation is extremely famous for its wildlife biodiversity. In Morocco, the service industry is extremely important because it accounts for more than 50% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product. The industrial sectors that have been growing rapidly in the country are tourism, textile and the telecom sectors.

Classical Arabic is the official language of Morocco. The cuisine in the country is incomplete without spices. Its cuisine is a perfect blend of Jewish, African, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Arab and Iberian cuisine. One of the traditional favorites of the Moroccan is Bisteeya, which is a triple-layered savory pastry.

The people from Morocco are called Moroccans.

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