Maps of Micronesia

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Map collection of Micronesia. Detailed road, administrative, physical and topographical maps of Micronesia. Maps of Micronesia.

Short description of Micronesia:

Micronesia is a country that is considered to be the sub region of Oceania. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it has hundreds of small islands. On the east of the country, you will find Polynesia and on its northwest, you will find the Philippines.

The population in this nation belongs to different ethnicities. However, most of the people living in Micronesia are have descended from the Micronesian culture. This culture developed from the mixture of Polynesians, Filipinos and Melanesians.

People in this country speak different languages. Micronesia’s native languages are from the Austronesian language family. English is a language that is understood and spoken in the country.

Guam is the main island in Micronesia and there are many international airports in the country. Of all the islands in this country, perhaps the most popular island is Guam. There are more than two thousand islands in the country and it has a total land mass of 695 km².

The beaches are excellent, there are many shopping complexes and the hotels are one of the finest in the world. Micronesia is one of the most visited countries in the world. It is quite popular among the tourists and as such, the tourism sector is one of the important sectors of its economy.

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