Maps of Haiti

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Map collection of Haiti. Detailed road, administrative, physical and topographical maps of Haiti. All cities of Haiti on the maps. Maps of Haiti.

Short description of Haiti:

Haiti is situated on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean, with its capital Port-au-Prince; it shares the island with the Dominican Republic. The official languages on the island are French and Creole and English is also spoken in the tourist areas.

All along the coastline Haiti boasts magnificent beaches as well as islands just of the shore, such as the Ile de la Gonâve and the Ile de la Tortue. The lush subtropical vegetation covers most of the island reaching down the slopes to the coast.

Port-au-Prince is situated in a splendid natural harbor and the city boasts a neo-romantic cathedral, a museum of Haitian Art and busy colorful markets through which to browse.

Cap-Haïtien and the North Coast offer lush green mountains and plenty of lovely beaches, with Spanish-style buildings and fortresses. Jacmel and the South Coast is the more elegant side of the island with Victorian palaces and artistic sites, there are also some important voodoo centers.

Kyona and Ibo beaches offer ideal swimming conditions with activities such as snorkeling, spear fishing, sailing, water-skiing and boomba racing in dugout canoes. The Parc Macaya and La Visite National Parks are perfect for hiking adventures.

The climate is tropical with rain showers throughout the year and a lot of humidity on the coast; one can find cooler temperatures in the hill resorts.

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